What is Modern Art?

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I don’t know who made this graphic (can’t read the really small print at the bottom right) so I can’t give credit where it’s due. I like this graphic because it is humorous, of course, but also because it made me Google artists that I was not familiar with to see why that interpretation of their ‘style’. Some familiar artists are obvious like Basquiat, Dali, Picasso and Warhol. But, I did not know the name of the artist who created the iconic LOVE sign, Robert Indiana (middle, second row), and it was fascinating (and sad) to learn about his life and how his iconic painting (and later sculpture) actually lead to his isolation, family disputes and lawsuits over rights.

Modern Art encompasses art produced roughly between the 1860’s to the late 1960’s

The graphic is titled Great Modern Artists A to Z. I am as far from an art historian as one could possibly be so I had to look up ‘Modern Art’ too. Modern Art is generally considered art produced between the late 1800s to the mid 1900s, just prior to the arrival of Abstract Art in the 1960s. Just where does Modernism, Surrealism, Constructivism, Cubism, Fauvism, and other Isms fit in? That’s way beyond my pay-grade and rightly left for others to comment on.

Exhibition at the UA Little Rock Windgate Center of Art + Design

Exhibition at the UA Little Rock Windgate Center of Art + Design

Pop-Up Show at the Art Collective in Rogers March 7, 2020

Pop-Up Show at the Art Collective in Rogers March 7, 2020